the (almost) daily appreciator
Monday, February 05, 2007
the (almost) daily appreciator
About Me
- Name: tomdwayne
- Location: Köln (Cologne), Germany
Geboren in den usa, aufgewachsen in heilbronn, studier ich jetzt anglistik, allgemeine sprachwissenschaft und philosophie in köln, und arbeite nebenher nachtschicht in einem hotel. mein namens-anagramm ist "a homeless myth" - kein scheiss. born in the usa, i grew up in heilbronn and now major in english, minor in linguistics and philosophy in cologne, and work night shift in a hotel. the anagram of my name is "a homeless myth" - no shit.
Previous Posts
- Acquired Taste
- shades of truth: Groundhog Day
- blue light
- textual healing: Groundhog Day review
- ich hatte die tage ein sehr absurdes erlebnis. ich...
- Palateable Palette
- Stairways to cinephiliac heaven
- Critique of the pure image
- the ALMOST daily appreciator
- don´t call it a comeback
- Beate´s Artikel
- Christians Fotoblog
- Christians Literatur
- Warren Ellis´Blog
- Neil Gaimans Homepage
- Brian K Vaughns Homepage
- Meine Artikel
- Mein Comicspace
- Garry Trudeaus Comic: Doonesbury
- Scott Adams Comic: Dilbert
- Michael Fry and T Lewis´ Comic: Over the hedge
- Gordon McAlpines Comic: Multiplex
- Joe Dunns Comic: Joe loves crappy movies
- Chris Shadoians Comic: Popcorn Picnic
- Tom Brazeltons Comic: Theater Hopper
- Eric Milikins Comic: FetusX
- Tatsuya Ishidas Comic: Sinfest
- Ramon Perez & Rob Coughlers Comic: Butternutsquash
- Danielle Corsettos Comic: Girls with Slingshots
- Sahsha Andrade and The WilliamGs Comic: It´s about girls
- David Buists Comic: Taking the bi-pass
- Tom Spurgeons Onlinecomicmagazin The Comics Reporter
- Neil Cohns Homepage (Comictheorie)
- Comicwissenschaft
- Charley Parkers Kunstblog Lines and Colors
- Blog des Jack Kirby Museums
- Mark Evaniers Popkulturseite
- Publishers Weekly Comicnews
- Comicnews Comic Book Resources
- Douglas Wolks Homepage
- Onlinemagazin Salon
- Arianna Huffingtons Politblog
- Onlinemagazin The Onion AVClub
- Onlinefilmmagazin Filmfreakcentral
- Onlinefilmmagazin Bright Lights Journal
- Onlinefilmdatenbank IMDB
- Onlinefilmkritikdatenbank Rotten Tomatoes
- Andy Horbals Film(kritik)blog No More Marriages
- Matt Zoller Seitz´ & Co Filmblog The House Next Door
- David Hudsons Filmblog Daily Green Cine
- Girish Shambus Blog
- Zach Campbells Blog Elusive Lucidity
- The Shamus Blog Bad for the Glass
- Filmblog The Evening Class
- Filmblog The IFC Blog
- Filmblog Sergio Leone and the Infield Fly Rule
- Edward Copelands Blog Eddie on Film
- Filmblog Daily Filmdose
- Chris Stangls Filmblog The Exploding Kinetoscope
- Filmblog Flickhead
- Filmblog Lost in Negative Space
- Filmblog Windmills of my mind
- Drehbuchorientierter Filmblog
- Filmblog DVD Panache
- Filmblog Lazy Eye Theatre
- Filmblog The Film Experience
- Kim Morgans Filmblog Sunset Gun
- Eric Lichtenfelds Blog Reaction Shot
- Anne Thompsons Hollywood Reporter Blog Risky Biz
- Filmkritiker Jonathan Rosenbaum
- Filmkritiker Roger Ebert
- Jim Emersons Filmblog Scanners
- Regisseursdatenbank
- Popkulturblog Bleeding Tree
- Kulturkritik Ruthless Reviews
- Deutsche Filmkritikdatenbank Filmzentrale
- Onlineenzyklopädie Wikipedia
- Treppen in Filmen
- Covers v.a. von Comics
- Chuck Norris "Fakten"
- Heroes-Produzent Beeman´s Blog
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